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Built to solve the storage and logistics challenges for brands

Simplify your operation, avoid expensive mistakes, and deliver memorable live experiences.
Something Powerful

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The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Trusted by

Storage & Inventory Management

  • Manage big brand assets, swag, and event material from your desk
  • Track new and returning assets in one platform
  • Assets are received and cataloged within 48 hours ensuring
  • Secure and clean facility monitored 24/7
  • Know exactly what you have, the condition, and location
Know what you have stored and make informed decisions about your assets.

Logistics Coordination

  • Schedule orders directly through our online platform
  • 3PL, pickup and dropoff coordination
  • Price transparency and quoting on all orders
We take care of your asset's logistics so you can focus on the live event.


  • Book services with a few clicks
  • Special services available to ensure your assets are ready for event season (eg. tent cleaning, disposals, donations)
  • Cage rentals for kitting and inventory review
  • Kitting service
Manage your events, we'll manage your assets.
  • Dedicated Support

    We are an extension of your team and will go the distance to ensure you are able to execute successful projects.

  • Automated Damage Notices

    Receive notice of damage discovered on assets within 48 hours of arrival, allowing you to  remedy issues in time for the next event.

DALL·E 2023-12-31 00.29.58 - A conceptual image illustrating the Receiving service for interior design. The image shows a stylized warehouse with a modern aesthetic, where worke

Receiving & Inspection House

  • We act as a central hub where shipments are received.
  • Quality control is meticulously conducted.
  • Each piece is inspected for imperfections
  • Damages are reported within 48 hours of their arrival at our facility, allowing you to easily kick off rectification processes with vendors.


  • Pieces are stored for safekeeping in a climate-controlled facility, with 24/7 monitoring and video surveillance.
  • Goods are securely stored until the precise moment of installation ensuring that each carefully curated piece arrives at the project site in impeccable condition, circumventing the risks of damage, loss, or theft.
DALL·E 2023-12-31 00.30.16 - An image showcasing Furniture and Decor Storage service for interior design. The scene displays a secure, climate-controlled storage facility with r
DALL·E 2024-01-01 13.32.17 - An image representing a digital catalog for furniture and home decor. The scene shows an open tablet displaying a sleek, user-friendly interface with

Digital Catalog

  • Your digital catalog gives you complete visibility of every piece pre-grouped by project to avoid mixing project assets.
  • Begin organizing the pieces using room tags or custom notes.
  • View the history of each item along with any damage that has been reported.

Driven by our people, process, and platform

Use ShuffleSpace to stay one step ahead.